HUSH Pathfinder


Don't let people degrade you

I'll light up your route

Other Way to Define…


Hopecore is like a glow of light in the midst of darkness, a constant reminder that there are reasons to keep going even when everything seems difficult. It's like a comforting melody that caresses the soul and gently whispers that there is hope, even if it's sometimes hard to see. At its core, Hopecore is like a warm hand gently guiding you forward when you feel like you're falling apart.

Lost inside the Garden of Eden

Do you agree if we talk?…


You can send me a message with your email or phone number (making sure that it is on a messaging platform and that it does not apply charges) from the pill that you will find at the bottom in the center or at the end, Instagram user or platform that you prefer specifying it obviously.


If you feel bad, stuck, stressed, you're going through a difficult time where you feel like you're falling apart and so you feel like everything is getting shorter and the few things you do or could start doing feel like they don't work.


When you go to the gym and you have anxiety about doing things wrong or not progressing like in any other aspect of your life, personal, interpersonal and professional. What you do adds up. Let's add something good and great to your life with knowledge you can apply.

I have a bro or close friend…

Depending on how healthy this relationship is, it is not good that if you go through a difficult time you are attached to it more than you are to your principles, ethics and morals. Leave him behind if he's narcissistic, overbearing, or seemingly likes to manipulate people. Or in a work environment, he leaves you all the work he should be doing, whether it's the excuse of where he lives or what conditions he has it wouldn't matter so much if he's a bad person.

How To Corrupt The Good

I'm not looking to make friends with everyone who might contact me. I mean, I can't like everybody. There will always be someone who wants to destroy or corrupt the good with human evil. Clearly I'll be there to help you and if we get along while I'm helping you, maybe you can see or consider yourself as a friend or bro to me.

Let's Talk Bro 😈

Don't let people degrade you.

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